Is It Safe To Download From Chia Anime

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Ever wanted all the episode download links straight to your screen or clipboard? Well, this is it.

  1. install scrapy

or (preferable on a Windows machine after installing Anaconda)

  1. install docker and splash

installing splash through docker is the easiest way, so install docker first

after docker is installed, command for installing splash

command for setting it up

note that you may need to start docker and use this command everytime you're using chia-anime-downloader

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it sets up the localhost and allows for scraping javascript based websites

  1. install scrapy_splash using the environment where you installed scrapy
  1. go to

  2. click on any anime's main page link

  3. copy the address

  4. run the terminal, go to the project directory and use command

Is It Safe To Download From Chia AnimeIs It Safe To Download From Chia Anime

replacing with whatever address you copied

Roxio game capture hd pro software download free. result:

  1. go to

  2. click on any anime's main page link

  1. copy the address
  1. paste it into the script when asked
  1. press enter and wait while it fetches all links :)
  • requests
  • BeautifulSoup4
  • pyperclip