Tibia Bot Ng 7.4 Download

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Tibia Bot Ng 7.4 Download
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    • Jul 2016
    • 119

    [all versions] Warlock Bot

    As I declared in my main thread I am about to release runemaker as an open source. The idea was to make a tool, which will automize runemaking and - in contrast to simple macro - provides a chance to survive in case of player attack or appearnce on screen. This bot allow you to runemake on only 2 clients, which is limited not only because its easier for me implement but also to prevent mass runefarming and destroying classic tibia servers.
    I will make it open source and public as soon as it will have minimal functionality, which means when I'll make it working on just one client. Current status of bot can be seen in changelong at bottom of post.
    Warlock Bot:
    • fully configurable runemaker, which can create blank runes, moves them to hand if necessery and others
    • works with all Tibia clients - 7.1, 7.4, 7.6, otclient, 8.0, 8.6, tibia 11.0 and more!
    • on-time screen checker for changes on selected window (screen check takes about 30ms)
    • alarm system on lack of food, blank runes or screenchange which can be configured to logout, shutdown, play sound or walk desired directon
    • intuitive fishing tool
    • allow you to throw conjured runes wherever you want (for example house)
    • easy tool to obtain pictures of ingame items
    • it stores last used settings, so you won't have to configure it everytime you close the bot
    • your client doesn't need to be on top, you can hide it and watch fullscreened videos or browse Internet

    To download latest version: https://github.com/Brazyliszek/Warlock-bot/blob/master/Warlock%20Bot.exe
    (for x64 systems; not tested on different pcs, might have some bugs, not all functions may work propely, be careful and report all bugs!)
    Source code available here: https://github.com/Brazyliszek/Warlock-bot
    Since my development is completely free and unpaid I will be very greatful if you would support me with few bucks through PayPal dontion:
    Here I post how it looks for now:

    Known issues:
    1) If you are using windows style setup to preformance on windows 7 and higher text fields might not be visible, and there will appear black fields on graphical interface. To prevent it you should enable this: Control Panel/Perfomance information and tools/Adjust visual effects/Use visual styles on windows and buttons
    2) On OTClient if it is default setup to show exp/h ratio in titlebar bot returns error. To solve it, you should go to client directory, find configuration file (usually .cfg or .ini) and change ExpCounter = yes to ExpCounter = no
    3) If you are playing on Medivia Online or other highly edited OTClient with good bot protection is recommended to use SendMode = Event in order to make mouse works properly.
    4) Bot supports only x64 systems and works under DirectX graphics engine (OpenGL is not supported)
    Last edited by Mate; 02-12-2018, 07:51 PM.
    • Jun 2016
    • 32


    • Jul 2016
    • 119
    Haha, thanks . Tbh I wasn't sure about name at all. Since my first bot is called Hunter I thought I should keep that convention. Was choosing between Arcanist, Geomancer and Warlock. So we had elf, dwaf and human. I choosed Warlock because its most-human (say no to racism!) monster associated with magic.


    • Aug 2016
    • 3


    • Sep 2016
    • 35
    Hello! Great that you're working a new bot for medivia, would be really cool if u would upload it to the public (a bot for runemaking only, not PvP wise).
    when do you think it'll be done?


    • Sep 2016
    • 9


    • Jul 2016
    • 119
    Originally posted by darevaView Post
    About week or two to release exe and source code, another week or two to repair reported bugs
    Originally posted by normikView Post


    • Sep 2016
    • 35
    Originally posted by MateView Post
    About week or two to release exe and source code, another week or two to repair reported bugs

    great! I really hope you release it into .exe cuz me (and alot of other people really dont know how to use source codes to navigate bots :S)


    • Jul 2016
    • 119
    Hello everyone. Beta version of my runemaker is finished. It probably still has some bugs and I make it public so you can report me with your probms. Using this bot will be not as easy as using any other bot to runemake but when you finally understand everything you would realize its value to have one, same bot that works on all tibia clients. Or at least I belive so.
    To download: download link is located in first post in this thread.
    Here I post short instruction with some basics about using this tool:
    1. Go to settings and configure your equpiment and hand slot position on-screen.
    2. Bot depends on time instead of mana amount to create runes.
    3. Your main backpack must be different than backpacks in which will you store blank and conjured runes (if you're using hand-mode).
    4. Your left weapon slot must be empty, otherwise object you had in hand may be moved to backpack and you can lose it in case of death (if you're using hand-mode).
    5. You must take screenshot of a free slot using our tool to take ingame images (if you're using hand-mode).
    6. Your inventory must be on right side of the screen.
    7. ImageSearch searches for images from topleft to bottomright side of desired area. Keep that in mind.
    8. If constantly bot returns 'couldn't find free slot on inventory' try to take another image, dont really need to be fully in center.
    9. It's not necessary but you better have one empty slot in each backpack of blank runes.
    10. As food I'd recommend brown mushrooms or fishes (something what doesn't change while eating)

    Tutorial screen:
    Last edited by Mate; 20-09-2016, 01:03 PM. Reason: repaired minor bugs in file


    • Sep 2016
    • 35
    Awesome! testing it right now, will be back with feedback asap after i've tried it out!


    • Sep 2016
    • 35
    Yo dude! Just downloaded it. I dont know if its just me but everytime i open the bot, black boxes appear on the main windows so I cant see any text at all on the bot so I couldnt even use the bot yet
    here are some images of how it looks like : blackboxes hidden text.jpg
    please help me dude
    Last edited by dareva; 17-09-2016, 03:37 PM. Reason: didnt post the image correctly


    • Jul 2016
    • 119
    Is it windows 98 or any newer windows with just setted up window look to performance? If so try to change it. Answer and I'll try to solve it somehow.


    • Sep 2016
    • 35
    Originally posted by MateView Post
    Is it windows 98 or any newer windows with just setted up window look to performance? If so try to change it. Answer and I'll try to solve it somehow.
    Yeah, thank you. just fixed it (I have windows 7 btw). The problem was that I had adjusted my windows to prioritize performance instead of appearance and as soon as i changed to prioritize appearance the text showed up on the bot
    Does this mean that I'll always have to be running it with prioritizing appearance tho? cuz my pc will be kinda slower then. Or if not, do you know which box to left checked so that it can see the text still, if you know what i mean?
    Also two things, when i turn on the bot, the other mc's that is turned on that im NOT boting, It's not possible to use the same hotkeys that I got on the Botclient. for example = I have Adura vita on F2 on my botclient, and when i turn on my other mc's which hasnt bot opened on, I cant use F2 (idk why but when i press F2 just completely nothing happends.) altho this isnt a big problem i can just change my hotkeys but just wanted to know if the bot was modified this way :P
    I tried to use the bot also (just like it said in the tutorial and by checking the screenshots u posted) but it somehow doesnt work anyway. it doesnt eat food (even tho i have food visible in mainbackpack). also it doesnt create runes. Maby im just being noob and didnt understand the tutorial exactly :S
    Do you have skype? so we can chat instead of posting back on forth and wasting forum space? :P


    • Jul 2016
    • 119
    It seems like only text fields are blacked due to you performance settings. Bot function shouldnt relay on it. So if you remember whats is where you can bot usuing your old performance setup.
    F1 and F2 is not working due to my fault, i just left in source code some hotkeys that I was using for tests purposes. It will be fixed in 0.9.2 version.
    What do u mean by saying it doesnt create runes? It doesnt create blank runes or normal runes? Maybe you haven't setted up images for certain items. Go to settings and configure it using this 'backpack-like-tool'. Also remember to set hand slot x,y position on screen in settings.
    No, im not Skype user. But I'm afraid I'm too busy today to help you personally, sorry.


    • Sep 2016
    • 35
    ok, so here's the thing. when I finnish my setup to start boting the runes, It creates 1 rune only and after that, it says that I dont have any blank runes in my inventory even tho my backpacks and everything is the same as in ur screenshot tutorial. it also doesnt eat food and I get alarms that it cant find food in my inventory even if i have food.
    I dont understand the 'take screenshot of free slot thingy tho, maby thats why? :S
    here's a pic of my setup =
    I guess i didnt do correct in the 'settings section then? didnt know what to write there :>
